petak, 10. prosinca 2010.

Magnets 4 energy

Magnetic Generators that create 100% FREE Electricity have been used by the Power Companies for years. Yet, they keep this hidden from you so that you keep on paying your Electric.


The secret of building your own solar energy.


...You can build your own Solar Panels, saving $1,000’s off of retail price.
...Almost anyone can do this, even if you have no solar experience.
...There is a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.

Home made energy

Don't buy solar panels. Instead, Build them.

A little known way to slash your electric bill by 80% or more (or even get off the grid entirely). 
A simple, 5-step process for building your own low-cost solar panels. And how to say “goodbye” to the electric company… and “hello” to clean, FREE electricity! 

Tesla secret

Revealed: Nikola Tesla's "Free power" device

The supressed "Free electricity" invention of Nikola Tesla - and how you can use it to kick the utility company from your home by the end of the week.

četvrtak, 9. prosinca 2010.

Create a generator which creates free electric energy

A Long Kept Secret For Generating Free Electricity is Finally On The Open, And You'll Never Have To Pay A Single Dime to the Power Company.

The energy of tomorrow, in your home today!

Make your own solar panels and save $$$

Do you want to save thousands off the cost of solar panels? Of course you want. It's possible to make it really low cost.